
Showing posts from January, 2016

My Red Bandana- wordless Wednesday

Here is my red bandana. Mom says it's special because it identifies me as a Therapy Dog. I passed my Therapy Dog Test, submitted all my paperwork, and now I'm ready to work. Anyone need a hug?   Blogpaws Wordless Wednesday Blog Hop!

Ike's Birthday Party!

Last Friday Ike turned nine. We had a little celebration at home with Ike, Kelly and Zeke. We didn't have hats and balloons, but I baked carob and peanut butter PetCakes.  To my surprise, everyone used their birthday party manners and didn't squabble over the cake. But Ike's cake disappeared too fast! Where's the cake, Mom? Nom nom nom! Uhhh Zeke...need some help? Wanna share, Kelly? Here's the video of all the action!

Happy Birthday Ike!

Today is a very special day! It's not often that we are able to know the exact date of birth of our rescue dogs, but Ike happened to come to us with his veterinary records when we adopted him two years ago. His name was Buddy when we adopted him, but to us he is Ike. We couldn't be happier or more blessed to share our home and our lives with this sweet, laid back, loving boy. He's 9 years old today (although all last year I thought he was already 9! Even with records, I get mixed up!)  Happy Birthday Ike! P.S. There is still time to enter to win a free Petzi pet cam that has video, sound, and allows you to launch treats to your pet from your phone!

Spoil Your Dog with Nutro Crunchy Mixed Berry Treats

As a #ChewyInfluencer , Kelly and Ike get the opportunity to sample a treat or toy each month, and we report back to you what we think. This month, Miss Sydney sent us an awesome bag of Nutro Crunchy Treats . I'd been looking for just the right cookie to treat my dogs, without giving them too many calories. Because Kelly is strong-willed and refused to come in from the back yard when I called, I got into the habit of giving her a small treat every time she came inside. This has been going on for more than a decade, and of course Ike expects a treat too. When I open the back door, they run inside, sit in front of the treat jar, and look up at me patiently. I need a small cookie that is big enough for Ike, but not so much that I'm going to make either dog fat. I also prefer crunchy treats for this job, since I like to keep them in a big jar on the counter, and soft treats would dry out. Nutro Crunchy treats turn out to be just the ticket! They are healthy, no wheat, (which is gr

Petzi Treat Cam review and GIVEAWAY

Have you ever wanted to peek in on your dogs when you're not at home? See if they're barking, throwing a party, or napping comfortably? The good news is, you can! Petcams are great for checking in on your pet while on vacation or at work. My son uses one, and even had to rush out of the office once because he saw his new puppy eating its way through his living room couch. (He was able to get home before the whole couch was ruined!) We are excited to have the opportunity to review the Petzi Treat Cam , AND I have one to give away to a lucky reader, too! The Petzi Treat Cam allows you to ('see') video, ('speak') audio, (‘snap’) take pictures and (‘treat’) dispense treats to your pets remotely using any internet enabled device at anytime from anywhere. I was especially excited about the interactive features and couldn't wait to give it a try.   Petzi unit and plug, with tiny dog treat. To be honest, I put off setting up the Petzi Treat Cam for quite some

When I See Sugar Smile...

This is a blog hop for a sweet dog, Sugar the Golden Retriever . She's having surgery this Friday to have a mass removed from her spleen. Oz the Terrier organized this blog hop to show support for Sugar and her mom and dad. The theme is “When I See Sugar Smile…” to tell her family how much Sugar’s smile means to each of us. Sugar has a beautiful golden retriever smile, and WHEN I SEE SUGAR SMILE I think of how lucky she is to have a loving family who cares for her and her needs. It makes me happy that so many of Sugar's friends are dogs who have happy, loving homes with caring pet parents.  Every dog deserves love, and Sugar's smile radiates love. I'm praying for a successful surgery and swift recovery. And here is a smile for you from IKE!  

Wordless Wednesday- Snow or nooooooooo!

  This year we haven't had much snow in New York. Here is a picture of Ike from last January. Does this picture make you wish for snow? Or does it make you want to run and scream, NOOOOOO!! What about your dogs--do they enjoy playing in the snow, or is it just too cold on their paws? Join the BlogPaws Wordless Wednesday Blog Hop

Quiet Times- with Uncle Ike and Zeke

Paws for Thought   Last night Zeke and Ike were playing rough, and I had to get out one of my favorite pictures of them together to remind myself of quieter times. Yup, this is one of my favorite pictures. Young and old. Ike was so accepting of puppy Zeke, and Zeke loved his Uncle Ike. Even though Zeke lives with my son Andy in their own place, we babysat him during the day for nearly a year, and he still comes to play often.  I love seeing the dogs interact when Zeke was a puppy. Ike was tolerant, and Zeke was rambunctious. Ike may have let him get away with more than he should, but when necessary Ike taught the whippersnapper the boundaries. But what was most interesting was the way Zeke liked to cuddle with Ike. What a blessing to see the bond between them. It can be that way with family. We're all different. We have different personalities and temperaments. But there are those times, when it's quiet and easy, that we know we're truly grateful to be together.  Later last

Pet Blogger Challenge 2016

Last year 71 bloggers participated in the Pet Blogger Challenge. I learned so much reading the goals and setbacks of fellow pet bloggers. Now it's time for us all to gather our thoughts again. So here we are, the 6th annual Pet Blogger Challenge hosted by Take Paws ! 2016 Pet Blogger Challenge: 1. How long have you been blogging? This is my 10 year anniversary! Or is that blogaversary? 2. What is the one thing that you accomplished during 2015, either on your blog or because of it, that made you most proud? I ran a Blog Book Tour with 12 other blogs sharing highlights about my new book, Faithfully Yours . I'm very proud that as a result, you all have helped make Faithfully Yours successful, and the book has gone into its second printing! 3. Which of your blog posts was your  favorite this year and why? (Please include a link.) My favorite was probably my tribute to a therapy dog, Gabriel, who passed away. I liked it because he made a big impact on my life and influenced I

Get Fit with Your Pet

Wordless Wednesday Kelly reminded me that it's time to get fit! She might dare to put her paw on the scale, but do I? Join BlogPaws Wordless Wednesday!

A Comfortable Fit

Pawsitive Thoughts-- Reflections and inspiration for your day.   Last summer, stepping out of our everyday, hectic, gotta-get-it-done routine, we were treated to a visit at a charming bed and breakfast in Vermont. Although at times I felt I should still be at home working, or getting something accomplished, I tried to relax and take in the serene setting. "What a beautiful room," I said as we stepped into our suite. Every corner was detailed with antiques, and the bed was spread with navy and red Laura Ashley linens and plump feather pillows. We'd brought Kelly and Ike to the pet-friendly hotel, and we'd brought along their own beds so they'd have someplace familiar and comfortable to sleep--Kelly's small round bed, and Ike's big rectangular bed. We set them out on the floor beside our own bed. That night when we all settled in, we were surprised to see Kelly sprawl across Ike's big bed, and Ike curl up tight, spilling over Kelly's small bed. I loo