A Comfortable Fit

Pawsitive Thoughts-- Reflections and inspiration for your day.  

Last summer, stepping out of our everyday, hectic, gotta-get-it-done routine, we were treated to a visit at a charming bed and breakfast in Vermont. Although at times I felt I should still be at home working, or getting something accomplished, I tried to relax and take in the serene setting. "What a beautiful room," I said as we stepped into our suite. Every corner was detailed with antiques, and the bed was spread with navy and red Laura Ashley linens and plump feather pillows.

We'd brought Kelly and Ike to the pet-friendly hotel, and we'd brought along their own beds so they'd have someplace familiar and comfortable to sleep--Kelly's small round bed, and Ike's big rectangular bed. We set them out on the floor beside our own bed.

That night when we all settled in, we were surprised to see Kelly sprawl across Ike's big bed, and Ike curl up tight, spilling over Kelly's small bed. I looked at them, and started to move them to the proper locations. But then, they seemed quite comfortable and content in the wrong beds. Why bother them? They were fine.

Maybe they were on to something. I thought about plans for the day ahead--maybe we'd go explore a museum or tourist site, and forget about the work waiting at home. I guess it's good for all of us to step out our comfortable routine now and then. Sometimes the fit is better than we expect.


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