A Place to Carry Your Small Pet but not your Golden Retriever #ChewyInfluencer

A Dialogue in Which Ernest and Petey receive a Delivery

Scene: The doorbell rings. A package arrives from Chewy.com.  Since we're Chewy Influencers, Ernest and Petey know there is something exciting and usually delicious inside that box.

They proceed to jump and dig their toenails into my bare feet as I open the box.

 Ernest: What is this green thing Chewy mailed us? It doesn't smell like food.

Petey: Nope. I licked it. Yuck.

Ernest: Mom's unzipping it. It looks like a carrier of some sort. But I'll never fit in there. Why don't you try it, Petey? You're younger and smaller.

Petey: I'm not going to try it, it's not even big enough for that cat next door. You're always trying to get me in trouble. I'm telling Mom.

Ernest: Never mind. So it appears that this is the Kaytee Come Along Pet Carrier. It comes in three sizes: one is small enough for rats. The medium is for a guinea pig. And what's in this large one here? Look at the way the door flap zips right open. Hey, those are bunnies in there!

Pete: Yup, I like bunnies. Look how nice they fit in there. They seem awfully cozy inside their carrier.

Pete: Maybe they'd like to come out and play.

 Ernest: Hey Petey! You put the brown one back!

Ernest: That's better. Now let's see what we have here. Nice fabric. Sturdy nylon handle.

Petey: If I could read I'd know a little more about this thing, but it doesn't look like much fun for me.

Ernest: It's not supposed to be. Not everything is for us.

Petey: oh.

Ernest: That's a big mesh window on the side. Nice ventilation.

Petey: You and your big words. I just know that those bunnies have a good view.

Ernest: I think anyone who has a rabbit, guinea pig or even a bird could use this carrier. We give this carrier 4 Paws up! That means it's good. Check it out at Chewy.com and it'll be on your doorstep in just two days or so. Tell them Ernest and Petey sent you.

Petey: And speaking of sending things, next time I hope we get bully sticks.

Ernest: Or biscuits! Oh well, enough of this, let's go play.

Petey: Tag! You're it!

Full Disclosure: We were provided one small pet carrier in exchange for our honest review. This in no way influenced our opinions. Opinions expressed here are 100% our own.


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