Book Review and GIVEAWAY: God Needed a Puppy

Sometimes, the dog dies. That's the sad truth, in real life and in books. It's never easy to deal with, no matter what. But this lovely and beautifully-illustrated new book, God Needed a Puppy , is one way to help bring comfort to kids (and adults) who have lost a pet. Ernest and Petey check out the book under the lilac bush, where some of their friends lay to rest. Today we welcome Emmy Award-winning journalist and author John Gray to talk about his book. ( PLUS we're giving away a copy of God Needed a Puppy at the end!) The Writer's Dog : Welcome John, and thank you for joining us today. God Needed a Puppy is a children's book dealing with pet loss. What inspired you to write this book? John Gray : After the death of my 6-month-old puppy I couldn't shake the grief and anger. He was so young, it just didn't seem fair. I thought to myself, this must be how kids feel when they lose a pet. So that's why I wrote it. To help myself and children. Auth...