Did you Guess? Our Family has Grown!

Something exciting is happening at The Writer's Dog...Friday I asked you to guess what it might be. Some of you guessed that I was under contract for a new series of dog books, and that my first book is being made into a movie. Wow I'd love that! Both of those would be awesome but it's not happening (yet!). Others guessed that Ernest got his TDI (therapy dog) certificate. Not yet, but he will be attending classes and  heading toward that goal. So the correct answer is....

Petey in a bucket
We got a puppy!
Can you believe it?
As you know we've been adopting senior dogs, and sadly, in March we lost both Ike and Kelly. Then two months ago we adopted 8 1/2 year old Ernest. He's an awesome sweet boy and we sure got lucky when our rescue group found him for us. Then, something totally surprising happened! We got a wonderful opportunity to bring an adorable golden retriever puppy into the family and...well, Ernest now has a little brother.
Our first day together.
Family portrait. Does Ernest look a little worried? Don't worry Ernest, it will be okay.
 After all the sadness we've gone through the last few months, we think a little puppy energy is just what we all need. Of course, we plan to keep on rescuing senior goldens, too. For sure for sure.

So please welcome Petey!

Welcome to the family, Petey!
Check back later to see how Petey is transitioning into the family, the first few days/nights, housetraining, and how Ernest is doing with the new addition.

p.s. Since no one guessed the correct answer, I will randomly draw a winner from all the guesses.


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