Meet Ernest!

We have HAPPY NEWS!!--a new friend has joined our family. Meet Ernest!

Just over 2 months ago, we lost our sweet spaniel-mix Kelly (who was 16) and our loyal golden retriever Ike (who was 10). We still miss them every day, but to us a home just isn't a home without a dog. So we began our search for a new friend to love. After losing several senior dogs in a short time, we weren't exactly looking for another old-timer. But....

Our rescue group was on the lookout for just the right dog for us. They are amazing at making great matches. And they found an 8 1/2 year old golden retriever who was being surrendered and needed a forever home. He'd been kept mostly in a cage at his old home, and was a lonely boy. He was filthy, his fur felt like wire bristles, and we pulled five ticks off of him the day he arrived. He had tons of energy, wanted to be touched and patted every waking moment, barked for attention.
And we're so glad he's ours!

After two weeks he's settled into our routine, feels secure that we're not leaving him, and just loves being loved! With a bath and good nutrition, his fur is almost all soft. And he's just the most wonderful dog! I hope he lives a long and healthy life, and we're looking forward to however much time we're blessed to have with him.

I've never had nicknames for my dogs before but I also call Ernest: Ernie, Lil Bear, and Buddy Boy. Welcome to the family sweet Ernest!


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