Can you guess my secret?

I've got a secret. Something's changed here at The Writer's Dog. Something exciting, a little bit different, a little scary, and I can't wait to tell you. But first, I thought we'd play a little game.
Can you guess my secret?

1. We're opening a retirement home for senior golden retrievers.
2.  I'm under contract for a series of exciting books about dogs.
3. My first book, Dieting with my Dog, is being made into a movie.
4. We rescued a family of cats, so I'll be blogging about cats too.
5. Ernest earned his TDI to become a therapy dog.
6. The blog is undergoing a fantastic new redesign.
7. We're moving to the country.
8. We got a new puppy.

Leave your guess in the comments.
Only one answer is right. What do you think it is? One winner will be drawn from everyone who guesses the right answer. Winner will receive this Life is Good sticker.

(Please provide an email address so I'll have a way to contact you if you win.)
**Sorry, those who already know the answer please don't tell and spoil the game! Thanks!
Have fun guessing!


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