Zeke's Movie Night #MyDogsPurpose

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I was standing in the kitchen chowing down on my crunchy munchy kibble when my mind started wandering, as it tends to do because I'm only a three-year-old golden retriever, and can't concentrate on any one thing too long and I started thinking about my purpose. What is my purpose? Visions of taking my humans for walks and helping devour all that pesky bacon in the refrigerator flashed before my eyes, but before I could find an answer to that perplexing question...my humans came along and told me it was time for Family Movie Night.

Well that begged the question, what is the purpose of movie night? I think it's to bring all the family together--with me in the center of course--to share in a mutually bonding experience. We all sat around in my human grandparents' living room. I visit here often. My best friend in the whole wide world, Ike, used to live here, but he went over the rainbow bridge just five weeks ago. I miss Ike more than anything. But sadly, as much as I look for Ike in Grandma and Grandpa's house, I can't find him. I can still smell him a bit, on the sofa where he used to sleep. But for sure he's gone.

So, movie night. Universal Studios Home Entertainment asked bloggers if they'd be interested in reviewing the DVD A Dog's Purpose. My grandma sometimes reviews books, movies and even dog food (she lets me sample it--Yum!) She also likes the book's author Bruce Cameron and his work. So they sent her the DVD and some goodies for me, and Grandma said that I get to review it, and give my honest opinion. So here I am.
#ADogsPurpose  #sponsored

When I heard that this movie was about dogs, and the rainbow bridge, I wasn't too sure I wanted to watch. But Grandma told me that she'd read the book and despite the sad moments, the movie has a positive message, and that I would like it too. I was ready for Family Movie Night. I didn't think Ike would mind if I took his spot on the couch. My family gathered--the human puppy didn't stay and watch...she's too young. But the rest of us watched, even Great-Grandma.

The movie opened with some cute puppies, and pretty soon we got to see...what else, a reddish golden retriever! He was adorable, but maybe I'm partial. His name was Bailey Bailey Bailey. And best of all, the movie was told through the eyes of this Bailey. And to tell the truth, I think a lot of the same things Bailey thought in the movie.

I loved the relationship between Bailey and his boy. I could tell that Bailey would do anything for the boy, and the boy would do anything for Bailey. But life is complicated. And so is the plot...at least for an uneducated young dog like me.

It seemed that Bailey just about figured out his purpose when his time on earth was over. I noticed Dad hugged me a little closer during this scene. But there was something different about this movie. Just when everyone was sniffing and the music was swelling, things got happy again. Bailey was back! Only he didn't look the same as he did before. It made me think a lot. About Ike. I don't know where my best friend Ike is now, but sometimes I think of what happened to Bailey in this movie and wonder if that happened to Ike. Is he a puppy somewhere?

We finished watching the movie and, although there were plenty of sad parts, and some scary parts, I liked it. I liked the way the dogs and humans worked together. I liked the way the dogs ran and played and loved their humans.

Which brings me back to the question---what is my purpose? Well I'm still a youngster, I haven't figured that out yet. Maybe it's easier to figure out your purpose after you've already fulfilled it. But Mom told me something about my best friend Ike's purpose. She said that when she adopted him, his first purpose was to get along with Kelly, the bossy female spaniel in the house. And he did. His next purpose was to help my Grandpa recover from a serious illness by giving him lots of TLC. Also, his purpose was to keep Grandma company as she worked from home. And, then he became a therapy dog, and his purpose was to give unconditional love to all he met. And then, when Kelly become old, deaf, nearly blind and suffering from dementia, his purpose was to be her guide, to be her therapy dog. Ike crossed the rainbow bridge just last month. Kelly followed, just five days after. Looking back, the way Grandma and I see it, Ike's purpose was really simple. To love and be loved. #MyDogsPurpose

Maybe that's every dog's purpose. Maybe it's mine. That's what the movie meant to me. 

A Dog's Purpose is available now on Digital HD, and on Blu-Ray Tuesday May 2nd. For fans of the book, there's a special feature A Writer's Purpose, with the story behind W. Bruce Cameron's bestselling novel. #ADogsPurpose

Website: http://uni.pictures/ADogsPurpose
Trailer: http://uni.pictures/ADogsPurposeTrailer
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/ADogsPurposeMovie/
Twitter: https://twitter.com/a_dogs_purpose
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/adogspurposemovie/

Full Disclosure: I was compensated for my honest review. This in no way influenced my opinion. Opinions expressed here are 100% my own.


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