Home Alone- And Happy! book review and giveaway

What do you do about keeping the dog home alone? Does your dog bark, cry, have accidents or destroy the furniture? Do you feel guilty when you leave the house? What if you were able to help your dog learn to adjust to having you out of his sight?

Kate Mallatratt's book, Home Alone--And Happy! (published by Hubble & Hattie, 2016) is chock full of tips at how you can not only accomplish this, but also help your dog to feel relaxed and happy while you're gone. And I'm giving away a copy of the book at the end of this post.

Many of my friends have this problem with their dogs. While I don't recommend leaving a puppy home alone for long periods of time, there are times you're going to have to leave the house.

One of the ideas in the book is to teach your dog to be comfortable alone before separation becomes a problem. This should be part of your dog's regular training, as important as sit and stay.

The author first explains the home-alone scenario through your dog's eyes, then explains how you can help your dog build independence and learn to relax and enjoy his time alone. She explains various ways to manage your dog's environment, and deals with such questions as:

Should you keep the shades up so he'll be entertained by the view, or down to reduce visual stimulation?

Should you play music, and if so will any music do, or is there specific music that soothes dogs best?

Can certain scents calm a dog?

What kind of toys work best to keep dogs occupied?

Should you offer treats when you leave the house?

Separation anxiety can be stressful for both dog and pet parent. This book can help.

Hubble & Hattie
ISBN: 9781845848613
UPC: 6-36847-04861-7

Author: Kate Mallatratt lives in the U.K. and is a member of the International Canine Behaviorists and Pet Professional Guild for force-free training.

You can win a copy of Home Alone--and Happy! Enter here.
Sorry, U.S. residents only.

a Rafflecopter giveaway

*Full Disclosure: Hubble & Hattie sent me one copy of this book for review and one for giveaway in exchange for my honest review. All opinions are 100% my own.

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