How to be a therapy Dog by Ike- part 2

Hi. Ike here.

If you read my post last week, you know that I'm going to school. Mom says that I'm going to be a therapy dog. I am so excited, because I know Mom and Dad were both helped by therapy dogs, and I want to help others too.

Last week there were only three dogs--me, a Bernese Mt. Dog, and a pit bull.
This week school was much more crowded--4 golden retrievers, 3 labradoodles, 1 Bernese Mt. Dog, 1 pit bull, and a partridge in a pear tree.
Just kidding about the partridge.

Here's me and my pal Moses.

And a new friend, Dixie. She came from Tennessee.

Things got a little crowded with the whole gang. But everyone is so focused on trying to learn, we all got along together fine. Her we are practicing our sit-stays.

Hi Dad! (He's taking the pictures!)

Moses is learning his recall. At first he got so excited, he bounded up to his handler, bouncing like a (HUGE!) bunny! The trainer helped him learn to calm down a bit.

I'm supposed to SIT in front of Mom when I do my recall. I forgot.

Here I am with the trainer. She's using me to demonstrate something. I'm more interested in looking at Mom.

What do you think? Do you think I'll ever make it as a therapy dog? It's a lot of hard work. We only have 4 more classes to learn everything we're supposed to know. Then we have a TEST. Yikes! I hope I pass.


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