Treat dispensing toys help reduce boredom

My son's puppy (he's 18 months old, but still a puppy!) Zeke gets bored when he's home alone. So what does a bored puppy do? This: Zeke ate a shoe. and this: Zeke ate an electric shaver. So I've been recommending to my son that he leave Zeke with some challenging, treat dispensing toys. What are the advantages? 1. Provides mental stimulation 2. Provides physical activity 3. Reduces boredom 4. May reduce boredom-related behaviors such as barking and ripping apart the furniture. Recently sent us a PetSafe Busy Buddy Twist 'n Treat treat dispensing toy to try out. The Twist 'n Treat looks like a flying saucer, and consists of two halves that are adjustable and able to be filled with small treats. Twist the halves far apart to give your dog a quick reward, or twist the halves closer together for more of a challenge. Add small treats or smear with cheese or peanut butter for even more playtime options. The toy is durable, but not intended for vigorous che...