How to Train your Cat to Walk on a Leash

Most cats I know do not like getting into their carrier. They also yowl and cry and thrash at the mere sight of a harness. Most cats don't like to walk on a leash. But most cats are not Maui. I recently met Maui at an adoption event. His cage was right next to where I was selling books, and he seemed to be curious about everything around him. He caught the eye of Erin, who was there to find a companion for herself and her 15 year old mixed breed dog, Merlin. Maui was one of the lucky ones. He found his forever home! Not only does he adore his new companions, but he also gets to explore the big, wide outdoors with them. They all take daily trips to a nearby park where Maui can safely climb trees and stalk squirrels. Such fun! Maui took to being transported in a backpack and walking on a leash easily. Here's some of Erin's tips how you can train your cat to do the same. 1. Gather treats you know your cat loves, and rank them from mildly exciting to mind-blowing! Treats may be...