
Showing posts from October, 2016

Ike's Halloween Costume

It's a bird.... It's a plane.... It's SUPER IKE! Happy Halloween! What costume is your pet wearing this year? Join BlogPaws Wordless Wednesday Blog Hop!

The Quite Very Actual Adventures of Worzel Wooface Book Review

October Book Review The Quite Very Actual Adventures of Worzel Wooface--Terribibble Twos by Catherine Pickles ISBN 978-845849-31-3 published by Hubble & Hattie $13.99 Would you like to know what's going on in a dog's mind? Do you like books told in the voice of a dog? Well, here is a book told in the "quite very actual" voice of Worzel Wooface. And I have to tell you that Worzel's voice is both unique and hilarious. Worzel is a Lurcher living in the Suffolk, England. (For those of us living in the U.S., a Lurcher is a mix of greyhound-type breed and another breed, in Worzel's case a terrier.) The Terribibble Twos is the sequel to The Quite Very Actual Adventures of Worzel Wooface , Worzel's  diary of his first year of life. At ten weeks old he was surrendered to a rescue group, after having suffered abuse by his owner and another dog. His new owner, Catherine Pickles and her family--including five cats--nurture, love, and help

Do dogs have nightmares?

The evening was peaceful and quiet, just like most every evening, with my husband and I relaxing in the livingroom and our dogs napping on the rug. Suddenly our rescue golden retriever, Ike, started twitching and crying, a soft yelping sound. His paws moved. When we called to him, he awoke, looking around like "What are you waking me for?" Then he seemed fine. Was Ike having a bad dream? Research suggests that dogs dream. 1. Scientifically speaking, dog brains are similar to our brains. So if we dream, it seems likely that dogs dream. 2. EEGs indicate that dogs enter a deep sleep stage, just as we do. Sometimes we surmise that our dog is dreaming about running in a field or chasing a squirrel. Ike's dreams, if that's what they are, seem like bad dreams. Usually not terrifying, but he cries and yelps. He is not a nervous or anxious dog otherwise, so other than gently calling his name to ease him awake when he cries out, we haven't needed to do anything. We always a